miércoles, 25 de mayo de 2016

Geology was the best

hi classmates
today i'm writing about the subjet that i most liked. this subjet was the past semester, it was geology. In this subjet I studied many this things about the earth, his characters, his process and the the diferent forms that exist for keep in balance this planet. I enjoy the class when the professor teach us the different rocks and his character, how be created,  the thousand of years. however i undestand that the humanity are nothing in simile with the earth  (or the earth mother).

This subjet was very especial because i know many places in the "field trip" with the teacher and the classmates. for example the first  " field trip" was in the Cajón del maipo, it is a amazing place, beauty, and calm. Also i learned  much. The second and last "field trip" was in Curicó ( VII region ) we went to Los Queñes (near to the mountains)   and the next day to the beach, to Iloca. In Iloca we was swim in the beach and later we went to lunch in a restaurant. Also we had a good teacher, Rodrigo Rauld.
Because for these reason and others I liked                                                                                               Geology.
                                                                                       See you in the next post, Bye